Sunday, August 27, 2017

Lurgy - Day Three

At first I called it a cold, but since everything aches - back, knees, memories - as well as the usual head, nose, throat, fever, and tasks such as standing up seem complex and only just achievable, I've decided it's flu.  (And the fact that it took me several centuries to type that sentence.)

Goya (1799) The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters

Monday, August 21, 2017


I'm over on An Awfully Big Blog Adventure this week talking about a writer's autumn, with a bit of summer jazz thrown in.

Friday, August 11, 2017

A Poetical Week

I've had very satisfying week re. poetry, with three poems showing up in three different places!

First there was Icarus' Mother in She Said He Said I Said - New Writing Scotland 35 -

Then there was "Be Wise as Serpents" in Brittle Star 40 -

And then, in the online Keep Poems Alive, a bit of vintage with One More Happy Boulder

Thank you to all three magazines - feels extremely good!

Saturday, August 05, 2017

Joan Lennon and Paul Magrs: Sensational Sci-fi at Edinburgh International Book Festival

Next week Paul and I will be doing an event at the Edinburgh International Book Festival, called Sensational Sci-Fi.  We'll be talking about our latest books - The Martian Girl for him, and Walking Mountain for me.

That's the opening day of the festival - Sat. 12 August at 18:30 in the Bosco Theatre in George Street - and if you can make it, we'd love to see you there!