Sunday, August 02, 2015

Sleeping Muses

It's no secret that writers find working with a sleeping cat or dog or gerbil nearby deeply - if oddly - helpful.

It's one of many reasons I've missed our old cat Katie.  But now I have not one but two small muses (notice how I'm resisting the urge to make the bad joke here) to help me get on with the words -

Even though, sometimes, falling asleep is something to be fought ...

There's room for at least one of them and a clipboard on my lap, as long as I don't care about the handwriting -

- though by the time they're St Jerome's cat's size, this won't be an option any more ...


At 7:09 AM, Blogger Joan Lennon said...

I just realised I've written "tidur nyenyak" which is Indonesian for "sleep well" in the corner - pretty appropriate, eh?

At 7:36 AM, Blogger Penny Dolan said...

So lovely to see your small cats. Not sure about Jerome's. :-)

At 11:03 AM, Blogger Mavis said...

Hope to meet the cats in November when we venture to your side of Scotland.

At 12:11 PM, Blogger Joan Lennon said...

It's a date!

At 4:01 AM, Blogger Susan Price said...

I'm appreciative and jealous in about equal measure.

At 12:40 PM, Blogger madwippitt said...

How do you get them to pose so tidily and conveniently on the same cushion?
And a teaser for the Black Cow thrown in for good measure too!


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